photos past and present
I enjoyed growing up on a farm in central Minnesota. The animals, working with my dad, helping my mom, sunrises, the fields … fond memories every one. (Hover over the photo to make the “next” and “previous” buttons visible.)
- Baby Maryann with Mama; no worries (not even a chicken in sight.)
- Two-year-old Maryann (left), birthday party
- Sitting atop a load of corn. (Possible danger ... but who's worried?)
- Maryann, age 3, worried about walking down the street alone in the Doll Buggy parade!
- Four years old and my first bike. Let's go.
- Maryann with Mama and Daddy, all dressed up — and a new car too.
- Maryann with Coolie, the gentle collie.
- My first telephone!
- Santa brought a doll, too.
- And a doll buggy.
- Near the Crow River, Hutchinson, Minnesota
- Crow River
- Crow River
- Am I worried…or is it time for a nap?
- Is Mama worried?
- Daddy never worried. He was playing music for the cows.
- With my dog Fluffy.
- Standing under the big oak tree in the front yard; first day of first grade.
- First day of first grade — excited because I knew I would learn to read.
- Nine years old; worried about my piano lesson — because I rarely practiced.
- That’s me, front row, middle. A pirate birthday party. Aargh!
- That's me on the left, twelve years old. Worried because I really cannot skate.
- "Mama (center) probably worried about being in the water. She never learned to swim.
- Mama, third from left, before she knew me. No worries?
What fun I’m having, talking with people about my books, singing, storytelling, and … not worrying!
- It's a very special day when a stack of books arrives at your doorstep ... and you wrote the book!
- I took my book to work to show it off — but I was worried when I saw the sign behind me.
- Happiness is being a featured Summer Reading Program author with FFTC Bookhounds.
- FFTC Bookhounds invited me to read Mama Loved to Worry for their Summer Reading Program at Wishing Tree Play Café in White Bear Lake. Such fun!
- Rachael Balsaitis and I had a wonderful time with all the State Fair-goers at the Alphabet Forest. (Photo courtesy David LaRochelle)
- What a grand night for singing! with the Roe Family Singers at the Walker Library
- My puppet and I were a part of the band when the Roe Family Singers held the stage.
- Storytelling with illustrator Rachael Balsaitis was fun at the Wild Rumpus Bookstore.
- Thanks to readers, friends, and family for celebrating my book's birthday with me.
- Everybody worried together when I told the story of Mama Loved to Worry
- Author Aimée Bissonette and I are both among the lucky authors published by the Minnesota Historical Society Press. Aimée joined me at The Red Balloon Bookshop in St. Paul, MN, to celebrate the publication day for Mama Loved to Worry.
Oh, the places I’ve gone! Being a librarian and writing books has taken me to many exciting places, meeting memorable people.
- The Sahara Desert. It's big: 3,552,140 square miles.
- Moscow Metro (subway) station. It's fun to tour the Moscow Metro; each station is full of art.
- Moscow (Russia). This is not a live cow.
- Kostroma, Russia. Kostroma is part of what's called the Golden Ring of Russian towns. There is a Kostroma breed of cows. Again, this not a living cow. I am only pretending to milk the cow.
- Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France. A nature sanctuary in the Provence area of France.
- Et Taous, Morocco, in the Sahara Desert area. I say: It's always good to dance, whenever you have the chance.